Thank you for taking a moment to learn about our company. David Harris & Associates, LLC offers a full range of classes designed to assist in: developing or enhancing a field training program; providing your department with Basic FTO Academy training; advancing your existing Field Training Program Management department; and/or providing a refresher and advancement in FTO courses.
David Harris & Associates, LLC specializes in the instruction of the San Jose Model of police and corrections field training programs. We offer a comprehensive 40 hour Basic Field Training Officer (FTO) Academy. Upon the completion of this course, attendees will be able to effectively utilize their Daily Observation Reports (DORs) and Standardized Evaluation Guidelines (SEGs). Our 40 hour class prepares the attendee to return to their agency with the tools needed to become a competent Field Training Officer, including the ability to evaluate, document, and remediate student officer performance. There are other training classes that will not provide this level of training for the FTO.
Field Training Officers require continuing education and training. Many police and correction agencies do not have students in the training phase all that often, causing the erosion of essential skills for the FTO. While the department may see peaks and valley’s in hiring, it is important FTO’s keep up the skills as a trainer. If the individual FTOs, do not maintain their training, they may lose critical knowledge, skills, and abilities as an FTO. David J. Harris & Associates recognizes these issues in an FTO program and provides an FTO Refresher class.