Have You Heard of This?

If a student officer performs any one task during a shift, and that performance meets the SEG Task Element 1 (Unacceptable), are they rated a 1 for the day for that specific performance? I wanted to address this issue as I have been hearing this question from several attendees during our FTO (field training officer) classes. The short answer…

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The Value of a Field Training Program.

This is part 1 of a series of articles relating to the development of a Field Training Program.  The use of “officer” may include law enforcement personnel as well as custody/corrections officers. An FTO Program is a complex management system with the goal of improving the department’s overall effectiveness and efficiency.  The program enhances the overall applicant/probationary screening process…

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Importance of the Daily Observation Report

We have all heard of the importance to provide our new employees with a like-kind training environment.  This ensures each new employee is presented with the same training opportunities in a structured and detailed format.  Regardless of their previous experiences, all will go through the same training format. That’s supposed to be what happens.  In reality, I have heard…

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Why Use San Jose Model

So why use the San Jose Model (SJM) as your field training program? The SJM has been around for many years. If your agency is considering the design and implementation of a field training and evaluation program, the SJM should seriously be considered. The SJM was developed to prevent an agency from civil liability by using the Standard Evaluation…

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