Have You Heard of This?

If a student officer performs any one task during a shift, and that performance meets the SEG Task Element 1 (Unacceptable), are they rated a 1 for the day for that specific performance?

I wanted to address this issue as I have been hearing this question from several attendees during our FTO (field training officer) classes.

The short answer is no.

On the contrary, if the S/O performs one task during a shift, and that performance meets the SEG Task Element 4 (Acceptable), do they receive a 4 for the day in that Task Element? That answer is also a no.

The numerical ratings on the DOR are a reflection of that specific performance for the entire day. In the first example, if the S/O receives the 1 rating after just one unacceptable performance, where is the motivation for the S/O to work towards improvement on that shift?

When rating the specific performance of the S/O, that performance can only be one of two things. It was either done acceptably or unacceptably according to SEGs. If your S/O does perform a task unacceptably, or in other words makes a mistake, you—the FTO—are required document and remediate (Train) the S/O on that unacceptable performance. You are then required to provide additional opportunities for the S/O to perform that task again. Then at the end of the day, you issue the numerical rating that best describes that specific performance according to the SEGs.

Let me know if you have heard of this issue or have any comments.


Sgt DJ Harris (Ret)

Email: ftoschool@gmail.com

Phone: 425-426-6350