Have You Heard of This?

If a student officer performs any one task during a shift, and that performance meets the SEG Task Element 1 (Unacceptable), are they rated a 1 for the day for that specific performance? I wanted to address this issue as I have been hearing this question from several attendees during our FTO (field training officer) classes. The short answer…

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Another Everett, WA FTO Class in the Books

Shane Hawley teaching some students at the Field Training Officer (FTO) Refresher Class in Everett, WA during late September, 2023.   On September 29th, 27 students completed our 40-hour Basic FTO Class in Everett, WA. We were excited to have 10 different agencies send their trainers in our class. Those agencies included Lynnwood, Edmonds, Redmond, Bellevue, Marysville Police Departments. Tribal…

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