Great Examples and Engagement

“You did a great job of breaking up the monotony of a classroom style course with the use of exercises and video examples. You kept the students engaged throughout the 40-hour curriculum.”

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I Will Be Implementing with My Department

“Excellent course that every agency’s training officers could benefit from attending. Learned a great deal about a fantastic training program that I will be implementing with my department. Extremely knowledgeable and professional instructor. Thank you!”

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Knows How to Teach

“Great class! Instructor is very knowledgeable in a very broad range of topics. Knows how to teach while also keeping and maintaining the attention of the class. Has a wide variety of stories and experience to share, some of which are hilarious!”

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My Opinion Had Been Changed

“I came to this class with a lot of hesitation towards implementing the SJM into my department. Although I received prior training from our training coordinator, I was still unsure the SJM would be a good fit for us. I disclosed this concern to the instructor on day-1 of this class and by the end of day-2, my opinion…

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